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July 4, 2015

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July 4, 2015 Empty July 4, 2015

Post by Admin Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:37 am

Happy 4'th of July!

Planning to do some Bench and a Run in a little while (after I mow the yard). Hope you all have a good one.
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July 4, 2015 Empty Re: July 4, 2015

Post by JaySun Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:16 am

We are doing a lot of stuff. Probably be a rest day here.
Hope y'all have a great weekend and holiday.

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July 4, 2015 Empty Re: July 4, 2015

Post by strollermama Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:29 am

Beautiful day - a little over 3 miles. Happy 4th!

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July 4, 2015 Empty Re: July 4, 2015

Post by Admin Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:45 am

20x45, 10x145, 5x175


3x5 @ 80% (195 lbs)
3x10 @ 50% (125 lbs)

3 Rounds, NFT:
5 Good Mornings, 125 lbs
5 OABBRs, 75 lbs

Time: 25:49

Run 3 Miles (Slow Pace)

Post Time/Pace:
28:00/9:16 Pace

Bench: Felt pretty good on these. Decided to up my weight to 80% on upper body lifts. These were
definitely challenging. First heavy bench sets in two weeks or so.
Assistance: The Good Mornings hurt pretty bad after doing DLs yesterday. Oh well. I can handle 15.
OABBRs were nice and strong.
Run: Felt good for the first mile or two. The third mile was terrible. There is a big hill during that
portion of it that gains a ton of elevation. This is the first "long-ish" run I've done in a few weeks, so
that is to be expected I guess. I got very dizzy (vertigo like feeling) toward the end as well. I've had
that going on for a few weeks now as well. Good times. Oh well, I didn't fall and I finished the run
at a pretty decent pace. I like doing this on Saturday because it doesn't really matter if I'm smoked
for the rest of the day. Speaking of smoke, time to get the yard mowed so I can start getting the smoker
ready for some ribs. Have a good one!
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July 4, 2015 Empty Re: July 4, 2015

Post by Admin Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:46 am

Great job Jaysun and Strollermama! Happy 4'th! Smile
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July 4, 2015 Empty Re: July 4, 2015

Post by JaySun Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:58 pm

Great job yourself. After lunch, here's why I did:
WU-200 SU's 3rft of: 10 squats 10 4 count flutter kicks TT=4'05"
Metcon- AMRAP in 16' of: 4 burpees, 4 squats, 4 push ups, 4 leg lifts TR=14+2 burpees
Not too bad, very tired as I did not get much rest last night. On our way to a BBQ and swimming pool, then fireworks.

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July 4, 2015 Empty Re: July 4, 2015

Post by Admin Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:50 pm

JaySun wrote:Great job yourself. After lunch, here's why I did:
WU-200 SU's 3rft of: 10 squats 10 4 count flutter kicks TT=4'05"
Metcon- AMRAP in 16' of: 4 burpees, 4 squats, 4 push ups, 4 leg lifts TR=14+2 burpees
Not too bad, very tired as I did not get much rest last night. On our way to a BBQ and swimming pool, then fireworks.

Sounds like you're getting a taste of what I used to do all the time on the road. Bodyweight metcons on little sleep. Laughing Good job and I hope you guys enjoy the pool and the fireworks. We've got a rack of St Louis Ribs in the smoker with some Apple wood chips cadallacing at 240 degrees. It's going to be a late dinner, but it should be good. Gas is so much easier than charcoal. Hope you guys have a good one. Cool
Armchair Quarterback
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