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August 8, 2015

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August 8, 2015 Empty August 8, 2015

Post by Admin Sat Aug 08, 2015 10:39 am

Morning. I keep getting weird ads that redirect my browser when I go to this site. I'm halfway considering going do a different site and leaving this one for dead or deleting it. I don't even click on these ads and my browser is redirected or the ap store opens to some game. It's pretty annoying. As for training I plan to run today.
Armchair Quarterback
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August 8, 2015 Empty Re: August 8, 2015

Post by Admin Sat Aug 08, 2015 2:05 pm

Conditioning: Distance Run, Slow Pace
4 Miles (Mostly Trail), 38:31, 9:39 Pace

Comments: Felt pretty good for this run. Longest run I’ve done in a while. Pretty day too. Almost feels like Fall with temps in the low 80's. Ran from our house two a park that is two miles away and ran another two miles around the lake. My wife and daughter drove there and walked for a while. I met up with them afterwards and got a ride home. Good times. Resting until Monday. Hope you have a good one.

With regards to my earlier comments, that was happening on my phone (iphone, safari browser). It doesn't happen on either of my laptops, but it still pisses me off. I think I'm in search of another forum. It seems pretty clear that neither of ours are going to take off. If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears. I'd like to go wherever you go, so we can keep this party going. Laughing Nah, it would be nice to at least know one person wherever we end up. I'm not sure if I'm really feeling Starting Strength. I've seen a bunch of Body Building forums that are filled with weirdos. I liked Catalyst Athletics Forum, but it isn't that busy. Brand X's new forum is kind've weird and I think I'm over them. I have no idea. I'm all ears though if you have any.
Armchair Quarterback
Armchair Quarterback

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August 8, 2015 Empty Re: August 8, 2015

Post by JaySun Sat Aug 08, 2015 3:42 pm

Nice run.
Yes, I get redirected as well and it is annoying. As for moving, I wouldn't reinvent the wheel, go back to EFF. It's there and it was easy and established. I mean, if we are doing it for us, that's my 2¢.
Here is what I did:
WU-4' AMRAP:5 push ups, 10 squats,20 jumping jacks TR=5
DL-210*4*10 210*amap(12) TT=10'48"
Conditioning-2 rounds of: 1' of squats, 1' of push ups, 1' of sit ups(straight legged with out support)1' of burpees,1' of rest Total number of reps=307
I did this workout after working in the 113°F heat. I drove buses and carried canoes, etc. I had an ice bag that I put on my neck/shoulders in between stuff. The conditioning was rough, it was supposed to be 3 rounds, but I was pooped. Heading to the showers and to relax on the bed and watch a movie. The wife and older two boys went to beach with the mother in law. #3 was with me. Let me know what you want to do.
There are too many people over at SS, brand x is now terrible and I'll look at catalyst. You could go over to Blogger and start blog. That would be simple and you may find some like minded people doing similar things. I too like keeping up with you.

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August 8, 2015 Empty Re: August 8, 2015

Post by Admin Sat Aug 08, 2015 5:05 pm

Nice work on the DLs and conditioning. Yeah, that sounds like a long day. I hope you enjoy the movie. Yeah, let's go back to EFF. It's way more user friendly and has a better feel to it. I'll try to find a way to copy and paste all of the daily threads from here to over there. That's really all we did here anyway. I may unlock it too for the general public again.
Armchair Quarterback
Armchair Quarterback

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Location : Raleigh, NC

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August 8, 2015 Empty Re: August 8, 2015

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